Speech Therapy for Adults
At Speech Teach, you can access consultation, screening, assessment, diagnoses, and treatment for communication disorders you’re experiencing as an adult. All services are provided by Adriana Scuka, an experienced registered Speech Language Pathologist, and designed to empower you to tackle your everyday tasks with confidence.

Treating Aphasia
in adults
You can learn to communicate effectively again following your acquired brain injury. At Speech Teach, you’ll be coached through the individual treatment plan designed to empower you to effectively communicate your needs while you regain your speech. This treatment is provided in conjunction with training to help you understand and minimize the impact of the injury on your daily function.

Adult Apraxia
& Dysarthria
You can improve your ability to communicate with the right help. By harnessing tools and techniques designed to train your brain and to get your muscles moving correctly, your ability to correctly form words and produce certain sounds can increase. The Speech Therapy sessions at Speech Teach are tailored to your needs and aspirations so we can build your confidence and resilience together.

Treating Cognitive-Communication Disorders
Each of us experiences the world differently to everyone else. We all think, see, hear, and speak differently. If the way you experience the world affects your ability to communicate effectively, Speech Teach can help. You’ll learn techniques to retrain your cognitive processes and to creatively approach problems so you can more effectively navigate conversations and routines. Your family and friends can also take part in education sessions so they better understand your experiences.

Adult Articulation Lessons
There is immense power in clear, crisp speech patterns. Anyone who needs to build rapport and build trust with clients stands to benefit from articulation lessons with a registered speech language pathologist. Public speakers, coaches, personal trainers, leaders, and managers frequently reach out to Speech Teach to reap the benefits of clear, confident speech.

Vocal and Speech Training for professionals
You rely on your ability to speak clearly and smoothly for your job. If you’re having issues with your voice that are affecting your work, Speech Teach can help. Taking a look at your lifestyle, health, and habits, we’ll uncover what’s causing your vocal issues. Then, you’ll receive training and techniques to improve your voice, pitch, and vocal production so that your speech never affects your ability to perform at work.
Teachers, coaches, salespeople, pastors, motivational speakers, and more all benefit from Speech Training.

Your stutter doesn’t need to negatively impact your life. Speech therapy at Speech Teach builds your confidence while decreasing the number of disfluencies you experience. Using practical techniques that translate to your everyday life, you can achieve smoother speech and gain understanding and acceptance of your stutter.
Adult group speech
therapy sessions

Treating Aphasia in adults
You can learn to communicate effectively again following your acquired brain injury. At Speech Teach, you’ll be coached through the individual treatment plan designed to empower you to effectively communicate your needs while you regain your speech. This treatment is provided in conjunction with training to help you understand and minimize the impact of the injury on your daily function.

Adult Apraxia & Dysarthria
You can improve your ability to communicate with the right help. By harnessing tools and techniques designed to train your brain and to get your muscles moving correctly, your ability to correctly form words and produce certain sounds can increase. The Speech Therapy sessions at Speech Teach are tailored to your needs and aspirations so we can build your confidence and resilience together.

Treating Cognitive-Communication Disorders
Each of us experiences the world differently to everyone else. We all think, see, hear, and speak differently. If the way you experience the world affects your ability to communicate effectively, Speech Teach can help. You’ll learn techniques to retrain your cognitive processes and to creatively approach problems so you can more effectively navigate conversations and routines. Your family and friends can also take part in education sessions so they better understand your experiences.

Adult Articulation Lessons
There is immense power in clear, crisp speech patterns. Anyone who needs to build rapport and build trust with clients stands to benefit from articulation lessons with a registered speech language pathologist. Public speakers, coaches, personal trainers, leaders, and managers frequently reach out to Speech Teach to reap the benefits of clear, confident speech.

Your stutter doesn’t need to negatively impact your life. Speech therapy at Speech Teach builds your confidence while decreasing the number of disfluencies you experience. Using practical techniques that translate to your everyday life, you can achieve smoother speech and gain understanding and acceptance of your stutter.

Vocal and Speech Training for professionals
You rely on your ability to speak clearly and smoothly for your job. If you’re having issues with your voice that are affecting your work, Speech Teach can help. Taking a look at your lifestyle, health, and habits, we’ll uncover what’s causing your vocal issues. Then, you’ll receive training and techniques to improve your voice, pitch, and vocal production so that your speech never affects your ability to perform at work.
Teachers, coaches, salespeople, pastors, motivational speakers, and more all benefit from Speech Training.